Friday, June 18, 2010

Our new house

#2 Thing in May is that we have been picking out things for our new house just alittle nervous because we picked out this house fast to get the $8,000 tax credit but we have to close on June 30th.... Everything is done in the house we are just waiting on the paper work which we hear they are swamped because everyone getting their houses at the last min... So the is a chance our house wont close on the 30th and we wont get the tax credit and who know we might stick with the house because it was a hurry get it because we want the tax credit but in the end if we aren't going to get it anyways is this the house we really want....HUMMM

Anyways we love the house the location isn't the best... But a little about the house its in Centerton which we aren't excited about but its new and we picked out somethings, its 4 bedroom 3 bath... Here a couple pictures of it

Oh ya the girls LOVE the house.... for some reason they love to hide in here... that will change I hope when we move in..


Michelle C said...

LOVE the house, that is awesome - 4 bedrooms?? cool! Hope it works out to get the credit!!!

The Gladdens said...

Where is Centerton? Is that Mo? Congrats on buying a house!! so exciting!