Monday, June 21, 2010

Memorial day

#3 Thing in May

For Memorial Day we went to the lake that is like 20 mins from our house. It was a last min. things so we took hot dogs and cooked them for lunch then we went swimming the girls loved it so almost once a week we have been going to the lake ever since. Pagelynn wants to go sleep at the lake,so we are looking at going camping once the house stuff is done.

The weather was great Emma loved to just sit and chili

Just had to put this on here

Emma eatting the salad cute and messy

After they were done swimming we found some sand to play in... then we had to stick them back in the water to get off all the sand.. We kinda did it backward but it was all fun. Emma hated the sand on her feet she would just put her feet in the air and wouldn't get in after me holding her feet in the sand she decided it wasn't bad and loved to play and eat the sand..

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