Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Wow! I have already broke my promise to blog every other week... No surprise! I like to blame my random trip to the ER.. A few Sunday's I was in major pain and throwing up every movement and everything I ate or drank. Silly me just thought I had a BAD flu. Trent and Girls went to church with his parent's who were coming to celebrate Trent's birthday with him. After church Trent came in to check on me and I was pretty lifeless. He asked me how I was doing and I said, "about ready to die." I asked him for a blessing and his dad came in to help with that. When his dad came in he said "I don't think it's the flu I think she has something else," He said that I think she has a appendicitis. Few minutes pasted bye and I told Trent," I think I need to see a Dr. "so off the ER we went. While laying for and hour in the ER waiting room curled up on a chair and throwing up they finally wheeled me in, put me on a bed in the hall til a room was available. While laying in the hall the one person that hates needles the most always gets the worst people to start ivy's on. The dude was doing such a bad job that it was making Trent even nauseous from the dude as Trent said "driving around with the needle in my arm trying to find the vain, then blood spraying out because he didn't seem to know what he was doing. Oh all this after trying on the other arm first.

After an x-ray and C-scan they came back and told me yeap it was my appendix. Around 9:30 that night out came my appendix and spent the night and left around12ish on Monday.

Thanks to a wonderful in-law that live two hours away to spend the day with the kids til 9 ish at night, also thanks to my wonderful mom to run down before I went into surgery ,than to stay like 3 days with me taking care of the girls and house hold.

Than a shout out to my sister Katie to come and staying 2 days playing with the girls,making dinner and just chatting with me. Today I'm still a tad bit tender and so grateful that I got it taken care of when I did because the doctors exact words with a little laugh "your appendix was GROSS it just popped right out of your stomach."

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