So I have tons I mean TONS of blogging to catch up on, I don't know where to start to I thought I would just do Christmas vacation and get that out of the way.. Oh ya! I want a Dear friend Nancy to know that my goal this year is to make a post at less every other week. So Nancy you better hold me to it so you can see pictures of my girls :)
For Christmas this year we made the decision to spend some of our savings to go out to Utah, do to Trent's mom's comment the 1st of Nov. asking us to Please try to go out because she wants all the family to be together and get a family picture with all of us with hasn't happened. So heres the awesome family picture that she was dying to have.. :) ha ha ha really professional huh? we had my camera with Trent's uncle standing outside the front door to get the shot.. So it's the wonderful memories that we made not the looks. :)

We spent about 8 days in Utah and had a BLAST but didn't feel like we did all that we wanted to do..So this was a surprised to the whole family that we drove out there to see them. To make the story shorter. Trent's parents left the same day we ended up getting there faster. Since we were there earlier we showed up to T rents' sister's house and surprised them. It was fun to surprise them even though we are still trying to figure out what the looks on there faces meant. :) (Oh crap more people to feed and entertain) They were nice enough to take us in and let us stay with them. Which we love staying there is a PARTY house for sure.
The 1st day we spent there Pagelynn just HAD to play in the snow so I sucked it up and took her out there along with Emma. We jumped around, built a snowman and throw snow balls. I love having kids because it gives me all the more reason to act like one 2 :)
The start of our snowman... I love how all of our snow playing was when it was getting dark or dark.. you will see...
Then we showed up to Trent's aunts house for Back to Bethlehem(family tradition of eating on the ground while eating with our hands ) and surprised mostly Trent's Parent's and rest of family. It was great!
The next day was Christmas Eve The girls Played in the snow with dad this time and made our snow man more detailed...Then we had fondue at Jeni's house with all the Family. Had some music entertainment and then just hung out. We opened out Christmas PJs Then due to Trent's brother Steve persuade His parent's and Sister to bring all their Christmas over to Jeni's house. So at 1AM Santa came and dropped all the presents.
If you can't tell Trent made arms and we used M&Ms for the face and after the kids and I went in Trent stayed out to make a hat and more details.
The girls enjoying the dipped food in chocolate:) (pagelynn, emma and Hallie)
My girls don't like boys/men for some reason they just didn't want to warm up to Bob Trent's brother. He was trying everything so he gave them their Christmas Presents to see if that would work. So here they are with Bob and Trent's dad with their head bands on that his wife makes ( check out her website
Christmas Eve PJ's Emma's are Dora and Pagelynn's are Princesses No surprise!
After Santa dropped his presents this is what we saw PILES AND PILES of presents!!!
Christmas day was a blast this year, I think I say that every year. Emma and Pagelynn were so into it. Santa spoiled them tons and had to carry it all the way from Missouri his car.
Gathering on the stair's waiting for everyone to see what Santa brought
Pagelynn with one of her favorite toys (tangled Barbie)
Another favorite
Emma's 2 favorite toys (Elmo, Cozy coupe) That Elmo is freaky it always appears in weird spots thanks to Emma
The rest of our stay there we spent alot of time in the snow,we went swimming at Trent's uncles' house, The temple AKA: Princess castle.
We had to go up in the canyon a little bit to find a place to sled.. yes i know dark again
Pagelynn wasn't feel the greatest but we went up to Salt Lake to visit some of Trent's friends. We went to the temple to see the lights, Pagelynn was so mad because she called the Temple a princess castle and she wanted to go inside and see all the princesses. I think she was thinking of Disneyland.
We got Trent's sister to watch the girl's while Trent, Trent's brother and Nephew and I went out to go snowboarding, something I have never done and wasn't excited to leave the girls and go. The place we were going to go to was closed for the day due to a power outage. So we went and found our own mountain and it was a blasted.
ha ha ha My hat is on weird and no one told me.I had to prove that I really went snowboarding. Yes, I know dark again
Our trip was filled with game playing, knext playing which turned into I can do better than you and alot of laughing at each other doing it,and sick girls. Pagelynn had broncities the day we left so she was on meds, Better for about 4 days we were there then she got the flu/cold thing that was going around. Then Emma got it about 2 days before we left. Besides the fact that I suck at snowboarding and the girls got sick we had a BLAST and didn't want to leave. So this is a SHORT story of Christmas Vacation.
Ginger train making
Playing with cousin Hallie
I couldn't get Pagelynn do do a normal face
To view the more picture check them out on FB....
What a fun family surprise. Looks like you guys had a blast!
Cool house! Is that an indoor swimming pool you guys are eating next to?
yeap lindy it is a indoor pool
I think that is a marvelous goal! :) And it looks like you guys had a blast in Salt Lake! Next time either of us is in the other place, we should coordinate! It'd be great to meet the girls and to see you! :)
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