Sunday, April 4, 2010

Big 1

The BIG 1

My little angel Emma Kay turned the big 1 on the 26th.. Poor girl didn't have the best birthday!
It started out great with fun at Jump Zone with my sister and her kids. Emma loved sitting on the side of the inflatable things and sliding off (in her mind a little slide) and going down the BIG slides with mommy and sister. Then after that it was such a beautiful day that we went to Sonic and then it went all down hill from there. She came home and napped then started this really runny green eye's and noses and just didn't look great at all. Then.....

Daddy got home and she opened her presents which she got this box thing with a bunch of little toy/games around it (above picture) and clothes.It's hard to get your 2nd kid something that the same sex as the 1st because they already have everything. :)

The most favorite part CAKE EATTING She didn't know what to do with it til I had her lick my finger then she was all for it, Big handfuls of cake, she even was sweet enough to get mommy big handfuls of cake to share.. Besides her green runny eyes and sister been cranky I think she had an ok birthday. Emma is a BIG joy in our lives we wish her the best and happiest life that she truly deserves...We love you tons Emma your a wonderful gift.


The Gladdens said...

How fun! Is she walking yet?

twhalliday said...

Lindy, no she's not.. she will hold on to my hand and walk and even let go for a couple of steps..she's been doing that forever. It could kinda my fault because im afraid that shes going to hit her head on the tile so i hold on.. thats the mom in me i guess because trent's always saying she know how to fall she will catch herself