Sunday, March 6, 2011


Way Back in Jan.

So way back in January this is what we did
We had one of 2 snow storms in the middle of January. Probably like 4 inches.. i dont really remember. The girls loved it since we were out in Utah for Christmas so they were use to it.

Emma in acting(throwing a snowball at mommy) Snow angels

Aren't we just cute!

At the end of the month we went down to my brother's house to have a birthday party for his little girl that was turning 2 (1 of the 5 thats going to be turning 2 in the next couple of months) ,then after we went to the circus with them. The girls never been so this was new to them. We had great seats in the front row. Emma got a little board but nothing new for Emma, Thankfully we were sitting next to the stairs and she kept entertained bye going up and down them. Pagelynn of course LOVED it. They got to ride an Elephant which shocked the heck out of me because we have been trying at all kinds of places to get Pagelynn to ride the ponies. So ya, they rode the Elephant with my brother and girls.

The girls waiting for it to start

Pagelynn Laughing her head off

Cotton Candy was a must
I didn't get good pictures of the acts because my camera sucked and they came out all dark

Oh ya, the VERY last day of Jan. is when I got my appendix out which was talked about in previous post. Yuck! not the way I want to start a new year and end the month. Thankfully for modern medicine though, RIGHT?

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