Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Oh What Happen to October ??I can't believe its November already. Maybe it has to do with the weather being to nice. Welp, this is our life in October

We went to craft fairs, then to Maple Leaf in my home town, Family pictures then the end of the month came and everything was CRAZY
Pagelynn at the craft fair. Family pictures we don't have yet so we will post later

The Friday before Halloween I had a miscarriage and was in horrible pain but I sucked it up and took Pagelynn 2 her Preschool Halloween Party were I got like one pictures. She and Emma hung on my leg the entire time because of 2 many people around. My kids just dont like alot of people. GRRR But we had a blast making a pumpkin,spider,ghost and going trick or treating around the house.

Painting her pumpkin at her Preschool party.. yes i had to sit on the chair next to her and hold Emma.. She about freaked out when I got off the chair to take the picture because I wasn't in reach.

Then that night we went to a REALLY fun pumpkin patch. Where we rode a cow train and went on a corn maze. Which Pagelynn took us through and we made it out without getting lost.

Pagelynn afraid that daddy wasn't going to get in....
Trying to take a picture of Emma on the train...
They also had a petting zoo, Emma loves animals and would jump on them and go for a ride. Pagelynn loves animals but not close.
Emma found this cob of corn at the start of the corn maze, she held on to it through the maze so she could give it to the cow at the petting zoo.

Pagelynn proud that she made it out of the maze
Finally, the cow (well the goat is the only thing we could give it 2) she was holding the cob for.

Then Saturday Morning I was also in horrible pain but I did what I could with tons of help from Trent, we finished his swiper costume and my boots which we started an hour before time to go so thats why it looks the way it does. We made chili then off 2 our Ward Trunk or Treat.The girls had a blast and wanted to do it again. Pagelynn did awesome at going around saying Trick or Treat while Emma just got her 1st piece and just wanted to carry it around and be done. :)

Yes, the Halloween costumes that r so funny.. Pagelynn wanted to be Dora for Halloween so we got her the Dora stuff and Emma was going to be boots... RIGHT! Emma saw that Pagelynn was dora and wanted the same thing. So we have Big dora and Little Dora. I made some hair for Emma to wear but as you can see she didn't like it. Since Emma wasn't boots Pagelynn wanted a boots so bad so I said I would be boots but thats leaving daddy out and we couldn't do that so daddy was swiper. I had good intentions to make better boots but with the miscarriage I couldn't pull it off.
better picture kinda

Craft they were doing at the Trunk or Treat
The 1st piece of candy Emma got and she wanted to eat it but not all of it.

Helping daddy give out candy


The Gladdens said...

I guess I need to watch some Dora, because I have no idea who boots or swiper is! Are you feeling better now?

Michelle C said...

Sounds like a busy October. I'm so sorry for your loss! I hope you're doing okay!!!